Lazada Philippines

Thursday, May 14, 2015

List of Completed Shoujo Romance One Shot Mangas

Hi! I’ll present here in this post a list of completed shoujo romance one shot mangas. Of course, they are mangas which I have read and somehow liked. I have a post of ongoing shoujo mangas here and of completed shoujo mangas here. I will try to update this post if I discover new one shots which are worth sharing, but please don't expect much on that because it will still depend on my mood.

This is a list for completed one shots or anything completed that has less than 15 chapters.
This list won’t include:
- series or anything completed which has over chapters.
- mangas with smut, ecchi, or any adult content stuff, regardless of their demographic and genre.

This list is not arranged on what I favor most or what I've read recently. It is not arranged in any specific order, so please don't try to make it seem like I'm trying to favor any manga with the numbering. I’ll state in my comments if a certain manga is my favorite.

List of completed shoujo mangas

(To be posted soon)